Original Edition by Salvador Dalí

An Original Edition by Salvador Dalí is considered to be any limited edition of sculptures or three-dimensional works made ​​before 23 January 1989 that comprises no more than 8 casts + 4 artist's proofs and derives from a model made ​​by Dalí.

This edition must be validated by a contract, signed by Dalí and the editor, specifying the details of the edition. Each of the resulting pieces must be identified by the artist's signature, the edition number and the foundry mark.

Thus a sculpture or three-dimensional object is considered to be an Original Work by Salvador Dalí when it can be shown that:

(i) it belongs to a limited edition of 12 casts, 8 casts + 4 artist's proofs, made by Dalí in his lifetime and under his supervision

(ii) the (three-dimensional) model used to produce the edition was created by Salvador Dalí in his lifetime

(iii) a contract exists signed by Dalí authorizing the edition

(iv) the dimensions and materials are as approved by Dalí

(v) the Dalí signature on the work is authentic

(vi) the numbering of the work coincides with one of the casts envisaged for the edition

(vii) the foundry mark corresponds to the foundry that produced the edition

The requirement that the edition be limited to a maximum of 12 casts derives in the first instance from French legislation concerning the taxation of works of art, specifically Annexe III of the Code Général des impôts du Décret No. 67-454 du 10 juin 1967 [1], and from subsequent Spanish legislation, namely the Ley 37/1992 del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido de 28 diciembre. Article 136 of this law is concerned with 'las esculturas originales y estatuas de cualquier material, siempre que hayan sido realizadas totalmente por el artista; vaciados de esculturas, de tirada limitada a ocho ejemplares y controlada por el artista o sus derechohabientes (código NC 9703 00 00)' [2]. Along with these 8 casts the edition may also include a further 4 casts or artist's proofs, which should in principle be hors commerce and not for sale [3].

In exceptional cases, one or more of the casts of the original edition may be classed as a Unique Original Cast by Salvador Dalí, in presenting one or more singular features that distinguish them from the rest. For a cast to be regarded as unique, such singularities will necessarily be deliberate modifications or added details carried out and supervised by Dalí himself. Evidently, this condition does not apply to any work from a posthumous edition.

[1] Décret nº 67-454 du 10 juin 1967. Publ.: http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000338193&dateTexte= [Consulted: 29/10/2013].

[2] Ley 37/1992, de 28 de diciembre, del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido (BOE de 29 de diciembre). Publ.: http://www.boe.es/buscar/act.php?id=BOE-A-1992-28740 [Consulted: 01/01/2013].

[3] Gilles Perrault, "L'œuvre originale et la sculpture d'édition", La revue Experts, No. 85, August 2009, p. 29.