Displaying from 91 to 100 of 242 available news
Wine Festival in April
Figueres, 17 April 2014
The Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí participates in the celebration of a Wine Festival called Vivid. The main conference was given by sommelier Josep Roca at the Dalí Theatre-Museum on 14 April. He's owner of one of the best restaurants in the world, El Celler de can Roca near Girona city. You may look at the activitiy programme of this Festival that takes place this month of April in the...
Annual Report 2013
Figueres, 17 April 2014
The Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí presented its Annual Report of year 2013. The publication can be downloaded in English/French. The most remarkable data are: - visitors to the Dalí Museums in 2013: 1,580,517 people, which means an increase of 8.42% regarding year 2012. - year surplus: 4,433,214 Euros. - the two big exhibitions during...
The Dalí Foundation acquires a surrealist painting
Figueres, 13 January 2014
The Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí acquired a surrealist oil-on-wood panel painting entitled Phantom Cart from 1933, that can be seen in the Treasure Room of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres.
Last week to visit the museum at night
Figueres, 31 August 2013
Saturday 31 August is the last night you can visit the Dalí Theatre-Museum in FIGUERES and the gallery Dalí·Jewels from 10 p.m. to 00:30 a.m. Tickets are sold on line in our website. What makes the night opening peculiar is the atmosphere created by specially illuminating the spaces, the access being limited to 500 people per night and the glass of cava, courtesy of Caves Castell...
Update for legal warning on "Auca" issue
Figueres, 2 September 2013
Warning letter regarding the rights of the work El triomf i el Rodolí de la Gala i en Dalí The Foundation has become aware that third parties are using or exploiting the popular artwork of Salvador Dalí Doménech, entitled “El Triomf i el Rodolí de la Gala i en Dalí”. Regarding this issue, we would like to remind of the following: The Foundation is the exclusive assignee...
The Foundation's Executive Manager in a China Forum
Beijing, 27-29 May 2013
Joan-Manuel Sevillano, Executive Manager of the Dalí Foundation, attends the China Cultural Industry Forum and participates in the experts panel The Cultural Industry Globalization: Where China meets the World. In the context of this forum, they present management programmes that could be applied in China at a time when the country looks at cultural firms as an strategic development...
Concert in Púbol Castle
Púbol, 15 June 2013
Í-TACA CULTURA I ACCIÓ is the organiser of next Concert in the Baix Empordà region, one of which will be held at the Gala Dalí Castle in Púbol, an evolution of previous JazzPera Festival. The Gala Castle will host the concert "Entre monosíl·labs" of Rosa Pou (voice) and Xavi Lloses (piano and keyboard) next 15 June...
Look for dragons in the Dalí Museums
Figueres, 23 April 2013
The Dalí Foundation organises a photography contest to celebrate Saint Georges' Day, next 23 April. If you visit any of our Dalí museums you can take part in our game: take pictures of anything that suggests a dragon and share it with us in our Facebook profile. The more “liked” photo will win a price.
Dalí retrospective in Madrid successfully closed
Madrid, 3 September 2013
2nd September was the last day of major retrospective entitled Dalí. All poetic suggestions and artistic possibilities that could be seen in the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid since 27th April. It received more than 732,000 visitors. The exhibition came from the Centre Pompidou in Paris, with 790 090 visitors. Thus, it has become one of the most visited temporary exhibitions...
Torre Galatea Pujada del Castell, 28 E-17600 Figueres. Catalonia T. +34 972 677 505 F. +34 972 501 666
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